Photography/Cinematography (Retired from Conservation Scientist)
Marinda b. 1994, and Elizabeth b. 1998
Retired 2022 now working as cinematographer & director of photography on indie films.
Photography Website:
Facebook site (many public photos/videos)
Conservation: Website of the society I started
Since 1972, became an ecologist and worked around the world for World Wildlife Fund, returned to the US in 1989 to start a foundation and a nonprofit society for Conservation Technology.
In Mr. Pikkaranien's junior chemistry class, for the term research project, making a still from glass tubing and brewing a truly vile vodka from potatoes. Don't know how often they let kids do that anymore! In another chem class, making small explosives out of potassium iodide and tapioca that you could pocket around and drop surreptitiously in the halls to make gunshot sounds with purple smoke. Yet another fun science activity that would surely get you arrested today.